Thursday, April 10, 2008


With Rick and I moving to Indiana we have many BIG and IMPORTANT decisions ahead of us. One of them has become the question for me.

Do I go back to school and get my masters?

As many of you know my dream is to continue my schooling all of the way up to a doctorate. (Personally I think Dr. and Dr. Farnsworth sounds way to irresistible to not go for it). Also I have continually felt like my education is incomplete. Fortunately the school Rick will be attending has a masters program that I can try to apply to.

“There are other reasons why it is important for our young women to receive a proper education. Education is more than vocational. Education should improve our minds, strengthen our bodies, heighten our cultural awareness and increase our spirituality. It should prepare us for greater service to the human family. Such an education will improve a woman’s ability to function as an informed and effective teacher of her sons and daughters, and as a worthy and wise counselor and companion to her husband. Some have observed that the mother’s vital teaching responsibility makes it even more important to have educated mothers than to have educated fathers” (Elder Oaks).


Do I make babies?

Rick and I would both love to have children. I know Rick will make an amazing dad with the patience we will need if they are anything like the "Farnsworth Boys". I love the stories about the boys, but I was a much different child (I never had the need to become a Junior Fire Marshall)! We have been married long enough with plenty of "getting to know you" time that we would love to start our family.

"Motherhood is a holy calling, a sacred dedication for carrying out the Lord’s work, a consecration and devotion to the rearing and fostering, the nurturing of body, mind, and spirit of those who kept their first estate and who came to this earth for their second estate to learn and be tested and to work toward godhood" (Spencer W. Kimball).

So which do I (we) choose? Decisions, decisions!


{Steve and Amanda} said...
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{Steve and Amanda} said...

That's a tuff one. I'd say HAVE A BABY!, because it would be a great experience for you both and babies are just so cute, but that is just my opinion. You at least have your Bachelors Degree but Dr and Dr Farnsworth does sound way cool. Neither of them are the wrong choice. :)

Emily said...

Maybe do both? I don't know if that's possible! I agree with you and amanda.. dr. & dr. farnsworth sounds good, but mama & papa sounds good too!

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

Do both. In my opinion, you are far enough along in your education that it won't hurt to slow it down or take a break from it. I think it's a great goal to continue to the highest degree possible, but I think there are ways to do that without putting starting a family on the back burner. Check out sattelite, or off-site classes where you don't actually have to go to the campus each time. Anyway. I think you should do both. But that's my opinion.

Mothers who know desire to bear children. Whereas in many cultures in the world children are “becoming less valued,” in the culture of the gospel we still believe in having children. Prophets, seers, and revelators who were sustained at this conference have declared that “God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force.” President Ezra Taft Benson taught that young couples should not postpone having children and that “in the eternal perspective, children—not possessions, not position, not prestige—are our greatest jewels." -Julie B. Beck, RS General Presidency

Sorry for the length. If you want to read that whole Conference talk, here's the link:

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

P.S. Jeff pointed out that my previous comment came across as preachy. That's not what I intended. Both of us really feel that it's a decision to be made between the two of you and the Lord. We think that you should do whatever you want. But if you do decide to start having kids, it doesn't mean you can't continue your education. It just may take a little longer. Anyway. Do whatever you want. We love you. Good luck with this decision, it's a tough one.

The Farnsworth Family said...

I say do both :) I did it and it worked out. Not perfectly, but I worked hard and there were some sacrifices, but overall I did what was right for me. Pray about it. You'll know what to do :) No matter what you feel prompted to do will be perfect for you.

Jeffrey McConnell said...

Both is possible. I would get through a year of your Masters and then go for babies.