Monday, June 7, 2010

Indy 500

Some friends of ours gave us tickets to some of the events leading up to the Indy 500.

We went to a practice day at the track.  Ethan did pretty well until we got to close to the track and then the loud noises scared him.  Jenna and I feeding our babies in front of the museum (and away from the track).

Rick at one of the time trials.

Somehow he found these military guns at the track and was so excited because he recognized many of them from his video games.  Obviously he plays xbox a little TOO much.  


Jeffrey McConnell said...

You'll appreciate that gun knowledge once the world is taken over by zombies!

Nanci said...

That gun is HUGE!

There was a dental assistant in Delaware that had a little crush on Will and she always called him "Ricky-Bobby" but now I think that name is more fitting for your man. Ha ha!