Monday, June 7, 2010

Halfway Done!

To celebrate the last day of school of our second year we went to dinner with a group of friends.  It was so much fun and we're so glad we are halfway there!

The boys (including a few sons)

The wonderful wives.  These ladies are the best!

Our little family.  Ethan and I are so proud of Rick and all of his hard work.  Two more years to go!


{Steve and Amanda} said...

That has to be such a good feeling. I can't believe it's already been two years.

That's a really cute family picture.

Emily said...

Yay! 1/2 way there! That's awesome that you guys have such good friends that can relate to your situation... you know, dental school. haha What a cute 'lil family!

Nanci said...

Wow, 2 years! It seems like he just started yesterday. Time flies. Little Ethan is not so little anymore. They change SO fast in that first year. Good job with the painting.