Monday, February 25, 2008

Lets Hear It For the Boy - Rick Style!

Your Name: Rick P. Farnsworth

What is her full name? Christine Elizabeth McConnell

How long have you been married? 3.75 years

How long did you date? 1.5 years-ish

How old is she? Normally that isn't a question I would ask or answer...24 years old

Who eats more sweets? I do and she tries to keep up.

Who said I love you first? She did, I used the "modelo de compromiso" to get it out of her.

Who is taller? I am by 6 inches

Who can sing better? She says I do, but that's just cause I practice more.

Who is smarter? I would say I am, but that would prove me to be an she is smarter in  some respects and I am in others.

Who does the laundry? I do.

Who mows the lawn? I do...once a month, maybe.

Who pays the bills? I do, she makes the if we could just follow it.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you're looking at it, I do.  If you're in it, she does.

Who cooks dinner? I do, but every now and again she proves she is a really great cook.

Who drives? I do and I'm good at it.

Who is more stubborn? She is, I hate to see her upset.

Who kissed who first? I kissed her good.

Who asked who out first? I am not sure, so....I'll claim that I did.

Who proposed? ME, and she was caught off guard...but still said yes.

Who has more siblings? I do.

Who wears the pants? Depends on the have a pair with four legs.

What color eyes does she have? Sky blue eyes when she feels good and greenish eyes when she's under the weather.

How tall is she? 5'3"

Is she a righty or a lefty? Ambidextrous - writes right-handed and plays Halo left-handed

What is her favorite color? Pink


{CUTE} said...

Oh Rick... I must say it is a pretty cool picture.

{Steve and Amanda} said...

Oops! I wrote that top one with my gmail account, its me just so you know.

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

I love how all you guys are so diplomatic in some of your answers. I think it proves that you are all smarter than us... Or are you?? We shall see.

Emily said...

We read this last night and were laughing because it was pretty funny. Todd thought the "modelo de compromiso" was hilarious! Thanks for doing this! It was wayy fun! Now many the guys will want to blog.. hahah jk!

The Farnsworth Family said...

Loved it! You crack me up. Now the pressure is on for Dave :)

Nanci said...

Rex wanted to see Uncle Rick, so we came to your blog so he could talk about funny Uncle Rick.